Monday, August 24, 2009

Well, though I am rapidly becoming known for some of the coolest of Masonic creations, this last two weeks has proven busy at the Lodge ( we did not go dark this year) we have had degree practices and degree work straight through the summer, all leading up to the Robert Burns Lodge #97 AF&AM Cave Degree ( ) this coming weekend. 140+ Masons in a 3000' deep cave.. How can we have anything but fun. Bend Lodge has the honor of raising one of our own at the cave this year. Should be a blast, but as we will be conferring the degree in front of the entire Grand Line, practice rather than posting any new cool Lodge furniture.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wardens Columns

Had a great and ranging conversation with a Gentleman from Washington State today, we discussed the sorry state of most Masonic supplies available in the states, and how so many Lodges are saddled with non-symbolic and in some cases boring fixtures. We are working together to create some Wardens Columns that are ripe with the symbols of Freemasonry. This is a pair I created for a Lodge in Needles California, complete with hand cut brass jewels. We may be taking the design and execution one step further, and introducing elements of stone, Cedar of Lebanon, blown glass and fiber-optics.. pictures to follow.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Birth of My line of Masonic Chairs

I have been kicking around an idea for a Masonic chair for a while. the idea first popped up as , basically , a masonic Adirondack chair. Gavel shapes for arms, compass for the back, square for the front "legs"
I made a prototype of the chair, and floated the idea and the picture on Facebook. I was shocked at the amount of positive feedback I received. I think a lodge of these in the sidelines would be really cool, and the possibilities of lettering the square (such as Lodge and #) , or a carving or two of significant Masonic symbols within the head and legs of the compass bring to it exciting possibilities. Oak, Black walnut, Mahogany, or even paint grade, in honor of what the first thought about these chairs were, patio chairs.