Friday, May 28, 2010

  The VW just about ready for the trip to Furthur Fest in Cal.Only to issues remain to be repaired in the am, the drivers window will not go up, and I have a gas leak at the tank. Other than that, Elmo the bus is ready to go.
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Friday, May 7, 2010

Wardens Columns

Here is the picture of the final view of the columns. The carrying cases will be shown later; as of this writing the recent cold snap set the curing time back by days... I mean, c'mon.. snow in May?
Anyway, these are some of the most gorgeous columns I have seen, if I do say so myself. Now, I realize that not every odge is an Esoteric Lodge, But if your Lodge has any needs in furniture or furnishings, I hope Dark Star is your first stop.